CPAP & BiPAP | Oxygen | Nebulizers | Suction | Testing | Airway Clearance Devices
ApneaLink | AutoPAP | Overnight Oximetries
Overnight Oximetries:
Your physician may order an overnight oximetry test to determine the need for home oxygen therapy or to prove the continued benefit of home oxygen therapy.
For this test, you will sleep with a sensor probe on your finger. The probe will record your pulse oximetry overnight. A Pro2 service technician will deliver and pick up the testing equipment from your home. The testing data is sent to an outside testing facility to be processed. Your physician will be notified of the test results and advise you accordingly.
For the testing facility's downloadable instructions and patient information form, please select the links below.
Testing instructions on room air:
Testing instructions on oxygen:
Patient information form:

"Gabrielle was excellent in explaining everything. She was very friendly and helpful in showing me the machine and setting it up." ~Kyle, Angola