Accreditation by ACHC | Mission Statement | Policies | Resources | Staff
Billing Policy | Code of Ethics | Mask Refit Policy | Medicare Supplier Standards
Patient/client Bill of Rights | Patient/client Responsibilites | Privacy Policy
Billing Policy: | Return to Top
- Pro2 will make every attempt to bill your insurance carrier directly and accept assignment for payment. This means we will submit your claim to your insurance carrier on your behalf and receive the payment directly from your carrier. Most insurance carriers pay only a portion of the allowable charges. The remaining portion, typically a deductible, copayment, or coinsurance, will be your responsibility. If you have a secondary insurance policy, we will bill the carrier for the balance. For details regarding Medicare coverage, please click the Medicare DME Coverage link above.
- After we receive payment from your insurance carrier, we will issue you a statement for your portion of the account balance. Statements are issued on the first of each month. The balance on your statement is due and payable when the statement is issued. For your convenience, we can also issue you a coupon book to make your monthly rental copayments. If you have any questions regarding your statement, please contact our Billing Department at 716.667.9600.
- It is very important for you to notify our office immediately of any change in insurance coverage. Many insurance carriers require authorization for equipment and supplies. If you change insurance coverage, we may need to obtain a new authorization. Please keep in mind, a change of insurance usually means a change in the amount of your deductible, copayment, or coinsurance.
- If a patient is unable to pay a portion of his bill, he may apply for a financial hardship waiver. Waivers are considered on a case-by-case basis. Please contact our Billing Department at 716.667.9600 for more information.
Code of Ethics: | Return to Top
- We will consistently strive to provide quality services to our client/patients and to the community in accordance with the highest professional and ethical standards possible.
- We will abide by Federal, State, and local laws, statutes, rules, regulations, and ordinances, and with federal, state and private payer health care program requirements.
- We will conduct business professionally and properly, and we will do our best to prevent any fraud or abuse of federal, state or private payer health care programs.
- We will not discriminate on the basis of age, sex, race, creed, color, national origin or disability.
- We will fulfill our obligation to screen, test, manage and evaluate personnel.
- We will fulfill our obligation to orient employees to their roles and to provide staff development education to maintain the current knowledge and skills needed to competently serve our clients/patients.
- We adhere to standards of integrity in advertising, marketing, billing practices, and managing the services we offer.
- We will assist in admitting, planning, and discharging clients/patients in a manner that will meet the total client/patient care needs, in cooperation with community resources and agencies.
- We will not knowingly misrepresent the relationship of the Company to other health care providers, institutions, or payers.
- We will take appropriate precautions necessary to ensure the safety of our employees and clients/patients.
- We will protect our employees and clients/patients with appropriate insurance coverage.
- We will take appropriate measures to provide our clients/patients with respect, emotional support and personal dignity.
Mask Refit Policy: | Return to Top
- Our team of respratory therapists are experienced in assessing what type of mask will best suit your needs. Many factors are taken into consideration, including your sleep style, pressure setting, mode of breathing, facial structure, and sleep study data. If you are having trouble with your mask, please contact our therapy department within 30 days to allow us to reassess your needs.
Medicare Supplier Standards: | Return to Top
Please follow this link to view Medicare's Supplier Standards:$File/supplierstandardsabv30.pdf
Patient/client Bill of Rights: | Return to Top
You have the following rights:
- To select the provider of your home care services.
- To be provided with legitimate identification by any person(s) who enter your residence to provide home care service for you.
- To receive the appropriate or prescribed service in a professional manner without discrimination relative to your age, sex, race, religion, ethnic origin, sexual preference, or physical or mental handicap.
- To be dealt with and treated with friendliness, courtesy, and respect by each and every individual who provides treatment or services for you and be free from neglect or abuse be it physical or mental.
- To assist in the development and planning of your health care program that is designed to satisfy to the extent possible, your current needs.
- To be provided with adequate information from which you can give your informed consent for the commencement of services, the continuation of service, the transfer of service to another health care provider, or the termination of service.
- To express concerns or grievances or recommend modifications to your home care services without fear of discrimination or reprisal.
- To request and receive complete and up-to-date information on your condition, treatment, alternative treatments, or risks of treatment.
- To receive treatment and services promptly and professionally, while being fully informed as to the company's policies, procedures, and changes.
- To refuse treatment, within the boundaries set by law, and receive professional information relative to the ramifications or consequences that will or may result due to such refusal.
- To request and receive data regarding treatment or services or costs thereof privately and with confidentiality.
- To request and receive the opportunity to examine or review your medical records.
- To be informed of your rights under state law to formulate advanced care directives.
Patient/client Responsibilites: | Return to Top
You have the following responsibilities:
- To be present, or have a caretaker present for the equipment installation and instructions for care and use.
- To advise us of any changes in your insurance coverage, phone number, address, primary physician, and any changes in your physician's orders such as flowrate, hours of use, etc.
- To use the equipment in a safe manner as instructed.
- To call us if the equipment malfunctions and repairs are required.
- To provide a safe environment for our staff to aid in providing you the care you deserve.
- To pay all bills in a timely manner.
- To advise Pro2 when you are admitted to the hospital.
- Notify Pro2 if you have any cultural or religious beliefs that may impact your view of healthcare and how we may accommodate you.
Privacy Policy: | Return to Top
Please follow this link to view and download our updated privacy policy:

"I felt very at ease and everything was explained clearly." ~Eleanor, Hamburg