CPAP & BiPAP | Oxygen | Nebulizers | Suction | Testing | Airway Clearance Devices
Airway Clearance Devices:

We currently offer several options for patients who need extra help clearing their airways and maintaining proper bronchial health.
Please note, these devices are dispensed to patients only with a valid prescription from their physician.
If you are a physician and would like more information on the differences between each device listed below, please contact our office (716.667.9600).
Acapella Choice:
The Acapella is used to open airways and mobilize secretions. It can be taken apart into four pieces, making cleaning and sterilizing easy for the patient. It is not dependent on gravity for operation.
Download the Acapella Instructions for Use
Excess mucus in the lungs can be dangerous- leading to lung damage, infection, and difficulty breathing. Through regular sessions, the Flutter helps clear those obstructions.
Download the Flutter Instructions for Use
Lung Flute:
Using low-frequency acoustic waves, the Lung Flute helps clear and mobilize secretions that reside deep within the lungs, making them easier to expectorate. The patient exhales through the blue mouthpiece over a reed inside the Lung Flute. The resulting acoustic wave travels back into the patient's lower airways and lungs, loosening mucus and improving bronchial hygiene. Replacement reeds are available (and recommended).
Download the Lung Flute Instructions for Use

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