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Why SoClean:
SoClean is the first fully-automated CPAP sanitizing unit. Simply place your mask into the SoClean to sanitize the humidifier, hose, and the mask all at the same time. There's no need to disassemble your mask or CPAP device!

Most CPAP users use their machines in conjunction with a humidifier. The water in the humidifier is only heated enough to vaporize, not to boil. As a result, the temperature is optimal for allowing the growth of bacteria and mold spores. Cleaning instructions dictate that excess water be emptied and the chamber cleaned daily. However, most patients don't follow these guidlines because of the extra effort required. The result is that most CPAP users have bacterial and mold growth which creates unhealthy conditions.
How it Works:
The SoClean CPAP sanitizing unit employs the natural process of Activated Oxygen to kill and disinfect mold, bacteria, and viruses. Activated Oxygen is different than the normal oxygen we breathe because it is comprised of three oxygen atoms. This molecule is a chemically reactive oxidizing agent that acts as a naturally safe and powerful disinfectant.

When used, the SoClean unit generates Activated Oxygen and pumps it through your CPAP reservoir, hose, and mask. As soon as Activated Oxygen begins flowing through your equipment, the sanitizing process begins. Within minutes, Activated Oxygen neutralizes bacteria and viruses. In fact, 99.9% of bacteria, viruses, and mold are eliminated within 30 seconds!

"Stacy was very pleasant and informative. She's a very compassionate therapist." ~Sue, Tonawanda