CPAP & BiPAP | Oxygen | Nebulizers | Suction | Testing | Airway Clearance Devices
Machines | Portable Machines | Troubleshooting
Proper cleaning and maintenance of your compressor and neblizer cup will help allieviate most problems. However, if you are experiencing any issues, see our troubleshooting section below or call us for assistance.
Very important: Always keep an extra nebulizer cup available for back-up use in case one is lost, broken, or you encounter non-working parts.
Light or No Mist
Compressor Won't Power On
Light or No Mist: | Return to Top
Most medications are mixed with saline, which is salt water. Occassionally, a salt crystal may form which will then block the hole of the nebulizer jet. Disconnect the tubing and wash out the nebulizer cup. Soak it in warm, soapy water (not boiling) for at least 30 minutes. Rinse out the cup thoroughly.
If this doesn't work, check the output of the compressor to be sure flow is being generated. If not, check to see if your filter is dirty or plugged.
Compressor Won't Power On: | Return to Top
Plug the compressor into a different outlet that you know is working. If the outlet is operated by a switch, make sure the switch is in the On position.

"Gabrielle was excellent in explaining everything. She was very friendly and helpful in showing me the machine and setting it up." ~Kyle, Angola