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Think You're Too Old or Too Sick to Exercise?

Water AerobicsThis is a question that your physician can surely answer - and it's always a good idea to get your physician’s approval prior to starting any exercise routine. There are so many excellent reasons why we should all strive to make exercise a part of our daily lives if our physician gives us the green light!

More than just helping to keep our weight down and maintaining good cardiovascular health, exercise can also help improve our attention, reduce risk of cognitive impairment, decrease risk of falls, help improve our coping skills, and basically improve our overall health. Exercise also helps prevent osteoporosis by helping to maintain bone strength. Research has shown that as people get older, often times they don’t view exercise an important part of their life any more. Just because we're aging doesn't mean we have to be sedentary. The vast majority of older adults should participate in physical activity on a regular basis - even those that have various health conditions.

It's recommended that seniors do moderate aerobic exercise (such as brisk walking) 30 minutes per day at least five days a week, or vigorous aerobic exercise (such as jogging or running) for 20 minutes a day three times a week. If you are at risk for falling, there are specific exercises you can do to work on your balance (such as standing on one leg at a time close to something stable).

To get started, choose a type of exercise you enjoy such as swimming, walking, dancing, etc. Make a plan - what type of exercise, how long, and on what days you'll be exercising - and then stick with the plan! Walking is a great way to get started. You don’t have to join a gym or hire a personal trainer. When weather doesn't permit you to walk outside, walk indoors at a shopping mall.

Remember, any exercise is better than none, and every little bit helps. Start today by trying to fit more activity into your daily life - park farther away from the building you are going into, take the stairs instead of the elevator, walk around the house during the commercials while watching TV. Just get up and MOVE - you'll be glad you did!

Pro2 LLC Buffalo and WNY

Camargo, RN, CRRN, Jan. (2014, May). Am I Too OLD or Too SICK to Exercise? The Pulmonary Press. Retrieved May 22, 2014 from