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The Lung Flute

Lung Flute Pro2 LLCWhat is the Lung Flute?

The Lung Flute is a device used to help loosen, mobilize, and eliminate secretions from your airways. It consists of a mouthpiece and a reed inside a horn.

How the Lung Flute Works:

When you blow gently into the Lung Flute in a series of repetitions, your breath moves the reed inside. This causes acoustic vibrations, which thin and loosen secretions deep in your lungs and result in the secretions moving progressively up your airways until they collect at the back of your throat.

In many chronic conditions there is a build-up of secretions in the airways. Bronchial hygiene therapy with the Lung Flute can help clear these secretions so they can be swallowed or coughed up.

Pro2 LLC Oxygen Buffalo NY