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The Holidays & Oxygen Use

Family Time with Oxygen Pro2 LLCThe holidays are approaching quickly. Here are some things to keep in mind for our oxygen patients and their loved ones.

Hydration & Moisture
Be sure to keep yourself hydrated. The best thing for helping to move mucus is to drink plenty of water. And as the furnace kicks on more, be sure to monitor yourself and not let your nasal passages dry out. This could cause a nose bleed.

Patients using blood thinners may require extra humidification at this time of year. First, start with an over-the-counter saline mist to use several times per day. Next, add a room humidifier to moisten the air. If you try these and you're still dry, call us so we can set up a humidifier directly to your oxygen concentrator. These humidifiers require some education but they will definitely help when all else has failed.

Our first goal is always safety. When oxygen is used not all of the oxygen goes in to your respiratory cavity; it also gently spills out onto your clothes, hair, chair, bedding, etc. making you and your immediate surroundings easier to start on fire.

Oxygen does not combust, but it does make something burn better. So please do not stand near a fireplace or put tubing or equipment within 10 feet of a space heater, fireplace, or even a candle. And absolutely no smoking with oxygen in use! Remember that you and your loved ones burn better while using oxygen.

If you’re traveling this holiday season to be with family, friends, and loved ones, call us to help with arrangements or answer any questions you may have. Remember that the airlines now require letters signed by your primary care physician stating the need for oxygen in order to travel with it.

Pro2 LLC Buffalo NY

How to Make Your Home Safe for Medical Care

Eldery Man in the homeAt Pro2, we want to make sure that your home medical treatment is done conveniently and safely. Many of our client/patients are limited in strength or unsteady on their feet. Some are wheelchair or bed-bound. Here are some some easy and helpful tips on how to make the home safe for home care.

Fire Safety and Prevention:
- Smoke detectors should be installed in your home. Make sure to check the batteries at least once a year.
- If appropriate, you may consider carbon monoxide detectors as well. Ask your local fire department if you should have one in your home.
- Have a fire extinguisher in your home and have it tested regularly to make sure it is still charged and in working order.
- Have a plan for escape in the event of a fire. Discuss this plan with your family.
- If you use oxygen in your home, make sure you understand the hazards of smoking near oxygen. Review the precautions. If you aren't sure, ask your oxygen provider what they are.
- If you are using electrical medical equipment, make sure to review the instruction sheets for that equipment. Read the section on electrical safety.

Electrical Safety:
- Make sure that all medical equipment is plugged into a properly grounded electrical outlet.
- If you have to use a three-prong adapter, make sure it is properly installed by attaching the ground wire to the plug outlet screw.
- Use only good quality outlet extenders or power strips with internal circuit breakers. Don't use cheap extension cords.

Pro2 LLC